
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Where are the coupons??

Before we get into organization and more store info, we better discuss where to actually get coupons.
  • Sunday papers
The main types of inserts that will come in the paper are:
     - SmartSource (SS)
     - Red Plum (RP)
     - Procter & Gamble (P&G) my favorite!!
     - General Mills (GM)
All coupons are regional and you may receive different coupons than your friend in another city.
The trick to getting the best coupons from the newspapers is to get the paper from the biggest city that you can find.  For example, I live in a small local paper has coupons. I buy The Enterprise Record (Chico, CA) The Sacramento Bee, and The San Francisco Chronicle.  The Sac Bee and SF Chronicle by far have the best coupons.  One week there was a coupon for .50 off Franks Red Hot Sauce in the Enterprise Record. I picked up a copy of the SF Chronicle and found a coupon for a FREE bottle of the same hot sauce!! Coupons vary greatly by your region.
         Bottom line: get the biggest paper you can!
The SF Chronicle has a newsstand price of $3... The Sac Bee goes for $2 and The Enterprise Record goes for $1. Dollar Stores sell copies of the newspapers for $1, imagine that :) I have found the Sac Bee and Enterprise Record at Dollar Stores, but not the Chronicle.

  •  Online
      Coupons are also available to print online. They are called Internet Prints (IPs) in coupon lingo.
       Here are a few websites that I use:
                    (you will need to sign up)
         A note: you can print from the SS and RP websites and they contain the same types of coupons that are in that week's insert, however, they are usually at lower values.

    • Manufacturer Websites
         Simply go to a company website and see if there are options to print or receive coupons from your favorite brands! If there aren't any coupons available, you can email the company and tell them the product(s) you use and how much you enjoy them.  You could include that you are interested in coupons, but most will send you some for sending them a nice email.

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